MediCo News
- Gloucester MediCo are pleased to announce that as from today (9.1.25) if you are an existing patient at our practice you may be eligible to request repeat prescriptions or referrals online. Head to the Make a Booking tab on the home page on our website to access this service or download the AMS Connect app on your device. Eligibility criteria must be met and you must have a debit/credit card for prepayment.
- Stroud MediCo will be closed on Mondays from 7th October 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience. We are excited to continue to consolidate our practice and ensure we provide the best and consistent care to the Stroud community.
- Face masks are no longer required to be worn at the medical centres, unless of course you would like to. We do ask however, that if you are unwell with flu like symptoms that you wait outside and call reception when you arrive. We will also ask you to wear a mask when entering the building.
- Using technology we are hoping that the community is appreciating quicker and greater communication with the use of text messaging to relay messages to our patients. Please know too that if you do not have a mobile phone or don’t have mobile service, we will be in contact with you via another method, if necessary. You are always welcome to call the practice to check on your results. We do ask that you take the time to read your text messages carefully, as they will tell you exactly what you need to do.
- You will have noticed too when you come to the Gloucester medical centre that there is an intern assisting doctors with their consultations. We are lucky to be part of an important Junior Medical Officer programme which we are hoping will encourage young doctors to become rural general practitioners. The JMO will spend their 10 weeks between the medical centre and the hospital. Each JMO we’ve had to date has thoroughly enjoyed their time at Gloucester and have appreciated how welcoming the patients and the staff are at both the hospital and the practice.
- Thank you for treating the staff at MediCo with respect. We have zero tolerance for abuse. Should you wish to make a complaint please speak with the practice manager.