Patient Letter

Dear Stroud community,

Our staff and independent GPs take pride in providing high quality services to all our patients. To enable us to continue to do so, Stroud MediCo will be transitioning to a private billing policy on 31st October 2022.

We are a small business that is dependent on service fees to pay all our staff, rent, utilities, equipment and medical supplies. These costs have been increasing over time and this impacts our ability to ensure the future sustainability of this practice.

The rebate provided by the federal government has not kept up with general inflation nor the increased overheads associated with providing quality healthcare. This situation was made worse when the Medicare rebate was frozen between 2013-2018.

We want to ensure that this practice is sustainable in the long term and remain committed to this community. It is vital that we continue to attract and retain our staff and doctors. This has been a difficult decision. It is very important to us, that the Stroud community continues to have its own General Practice and that there will be no loss in access to timely, quality care.

We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to continuing to care for you and your families for many generations to come.


Dr Pudney, Dr Ireson and Dr Sajir